
Lesser Fullness of Grain Lesser Fullness of Grain Learn more about Lesser Fullness of Grain Lesser Fullness of Grain

  • "Lesser Fullness of Grain and Lesser Fullness of Grain are getting full of wheat."

    Farmers in West Changgu Village, Chengguan Town, Neihuang County, Anyang City, Henan Province, irrigate wheat in wheat fields on May 20. Lesser Fullness of Grain is coming, and there are agricultural proverbs like Lesser Fullness of Grain and Lesser Fullness of Grain, saying that the wheat is getting full. The wheat areas of Shandong, Henan, Anhui and other places are busy to welcome the coming harvest. May

    2016-03-20 Lesser Fullness of Grain Lesser Fullness of Grain wheat grain gradually full May 20th Henan Province
  • What does Lesser Fullness of Grain mean by solar terms?

    What does Lesser Fullness of Grain mean by solar terms?

    What does Lesser Fullness of Grain mean by solar terms?

  • 24 solar terms are related knowledge.

    24 solar terms are related knowledge.

    24 solar terms are related knowledge.

  • Tortoise songs in December

    Tortoise songs in December

    Frozen water turned into ice in January. Lesser Cold and Greater Cold regularly checked to prevent enemy damage while sleeping, and the young turtles did not relax in special care. When the Beginning of Spring and Rain Water came in February, the chilling ice was first opened in spring, and the turtle pond was protected against cold and heat preservation, and the work was arranged early for one year. The spring light of the Spring Equinox is beautiful, the tortoise dream awakens the rain and Fei Fei, raises worms to prepare bait, and the turtle swims in new water in March. In April, Grain Rain again during the Qingming Festival, added bait and re-management, four will be put into feeding science, and there will be a good period of reproductive growth. The Beginning of Summer meets Lesser Fullness of Grain in May, clean water quality should not be slow, turtle disease should be prevented as early as possible in one year, and disinfection should be given.

  • Orchid cultivation: 24 solar terms and orchids

    Orchid cultivation: 24 solar terms and orchids

    Orchid cultivation: 24 solar terms and orchids

  • Grasp the season & nbsp raise orchids (reprinted)

    Grasp the season & nbsp raise orchids (reprinted)

    Grasp the season & nbsp raise orchids (reprinted)

  • Fuding White Tea: what is the difference between early spring white tea and other seasons white tea?

    Fuding White Tea: what is the difference between early spring white tea and other seasons white tea?

    In terms of solar terms, Qingming Festival to Lesser Fullness of Grain is the spring tea season. After overwintering, the tea collected from the budding leaves of the tea tree for the first time is called early spring tea. The advantages of spring white tea 1. Rich in contents, refreshing and delicious, moderate temperature in spring, rain.

  • Division of spring tea, summer tea and autumn tea

    Division of spring tea, summer tea and autumn tea

    The division of spring tea, summer tea and autumn tea is mainly based on the seasonal changes and the intermittent growth of tea shoots. Under the climatic conditions in China, except for a few tea-producing areas in South China, tea tree growth and tea harvesting are seasonal in most tea-producing areas: the tea harvesting period in Jiangbei tea area is from early May to late September, the tea harvest period in Jiangnan tea area is from late March to mid-October, and the tea harvest period in southwest tea area is from late January to early December. Tea areas belonging to subtropical and temperate regions, including rivers

  • Take advantage of the season to raise orchids well

    Take advantage of the season to raise orchids well

    The emergence, growth, flowering and fruit of orchids are closely related to seasons. If you rely on seasons to cultivate orchids, orchids will be exuberant. From January to March, it is the festive season for Lesser Cold, Greater Cold, the Beginning of Spring, Rain Water, sting and the Spring Equinox. During this period, the spring orchid bud grows, and the orchid likes to be warm and afraid of wet, dry and afraid of dryness, so it is necessary to pour some water on the edge of the basin. Rain.

  • The Orchid Sutra in Beijing in Dumen Yilan Ji

    The Orchid Sutra in Beijing in Dumen Yilan Ji

    The Orchid Sutra in Beijing in Dumen Yilan Ji

  • Summary of different watering methods for 24 solar terms of orchids

    Summary of different watering methods for 24 solar terms of orchids

    Summary of different watering methods for 24 solar terms of orchids

  • 24 season watering tips for orchids

    24 season watering tips for orchids

    (1) the Beginning of Spring and Rain Water: the spring orchid has been covered with flowers, and the soil should not be too dry and slightly wet along the edge of the basin; if the autumn basin is not dry to the bottom, it will not be watered. (2) stinging: when the spring orchid is dry to half a basin (solid above), it can moisturize the water, but not much; Qiulan is the same as before. (3) the Spring Equinox: the spring orchid has withered, avoid dampness, when the basin is half dry, it can be moisturized.

  • How does Angelica grow scientifically?

    How does Angelica grow scientifically?

    How does Angelica grow scientifically? Please give an introduction to Angelica sinensis planting can refer to the following methods: 1, land selection, soil preparation: choose a south-to-north half-shady and half-sunny slope, requiring loose soil and good structure. Lesser Fullness of Grain turned deeply in front of him once and broke the clod as a seedbed. The bed was 1 meter wide and the length varied with the terrain. Row from bed to bed.

  • Chinese farming wisdom stuns the world

    Chinese farming wisdom stuns the world

    Chinese farming wisdom stuns the world

  • High-yielding techniques of cultivating grass carp in ponds for two seasons a year

    High-yielding techniques of cultivating grass carp in ponds for two seasons a year

    High-yielding techniques of cultivating grass carp in ponds for two seasons a year

  • Orchids should be watered from pots and not into buds so as not to cause rot.

    Orchids should be watered from pots and not into buds so as not to cause rot.

    Watering time: watering after sunset in summer and autumn to make orchid leaves dry before nightfall, or watering in the early morning; watering before and after sunrise in winter and spring. Do not suddenly irrigate with cold water after the sun, so as to avoid soil.

  • It takes three years to water orchids because you don't know it.

    It takes three years to water orchids because you don't know it.

    Flower friends who raise orchids all know this truth: raise orchids a little and water them for ten years. It is said that the key to orchid cultivation is watering, but if flower friends can master the "skill" of watering 24 solar terms throughout the year, orchid conservation will not.

  • The three hurdles of parent fish in summer

    The three hurdles of parent fish in summer

    The Beginning of Summer to Lesser Fullness of Grain is the best time for parent fish to induce spawning. at this time, the water temperature is suitable, the spawning rate and hatching rate of parent fish are high, and the survival rate of fry is also high after entering the pond. If we seize this favorable opportunity and strictly control the selection of parent fish, the use of drugs and the management of induced labor, the success of induced labor can be achieved. Whether the mature parent fish is mature or not determines the effect of spawning. When selecting parent fish, its maturity is generally identified according to its external characteristics. The belly of mature female parent fish is swollen, round, soft and elastic.

  • When will the horseshoe be planted? How many jin per mu? What are the planting prospects?

    When will the horseshoe be planted? How many jin per mu? What are the planting prospects?

    Horseshoe, scientific name water chestnut, sand grass family chestnut, also known as water chestnut. It has a good medical and health care effect, and its seedlings, roots and fruits can be used as medicine. So, when will the horseshoe be planted? How many jin per mu? What are the planting prospects? When will the horseshoe

    2020-11-09 Horseshoe when planting yield per mu how much jin prospect
  • Summary of high-yield techniques of grass carp in two seasons a year! Aquaculturists, come and have a look.

    Summary of high-yield techniques of grass carp in two seasons a year! Aquaculturists, come and have a look.

    Grass carp is one of the four major domestic fish, which is loved by the market, but the culture cycle of grass carp is relatively long, and many farmers are reluctant to raise it. But at present, by using high-yield technology, grass carp with two harvests a year can be achieved. Let's take a look at the high yield of grass carp in two seasons a year.

    2020-11-11 Grass carp one year two seasons high yield technology collection aquatic products farmers